Wednesday, March 26, 2008

February 25 - Ode to Odell

Today is uncle, great uncle, great-great uncle Odell's 78th birthday. They threw him a party at Fort Myers Beach First United Methodist Church. We had the pleasure of attending church with him there several years ago - 4 generations all there together.

It was quite a milestone as the day also signified his 40th year there. There was a very nice article written in the local paper. It was submitted anynomously but I think it could probably be credited to the very sweet Pastor Jeannie.

He also got a poem from one of his friends/fellow members. I can't remember it all now but one verse stands out:

When 'Wilma' paid a visit
Bill did not stay home
He opened the church anyway
And with God he sat alone.

Some explanation:
Odell is only Odell to us. To the rest of the world he is Bill (William Odell Smith). He has lived in Fort Myers Beach (which is actually an island) for over 40 years. To my knowledge he has never left the island before an approaching hurricane. Wilma hit the west coast of Florida on October 23, 2005, a Sunday. He was there to open the church - alone.

Once we were able to speak with him after the storm he let us know he would be leaving the island for future hurricanes. Hopefully he will keep his word to us on that one.

Happy Birthday Odell!

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